Headline news
Number of results 2 for scary

06/08/2010 - Nature

Nature is so green,
and very colourful,
sometimes people can be so mean,
to nature.

They cut down trees,
and flowers,
they don't think about,
how plants have life like us.

Nature maybe has the power to,
make people who are scared of it,
go crazy.

But I love nature,
and I will try to save nature,
and reuse, reduce, and recycle paper,
(when it's possible).

By Judit Duran Calzada

15/07/2010 - Weird Face
Scary face,
ugly face,
all these words,
when they ask me describe him,
there are 1,000 words.

Some people will call him scary,
some will call him ugly,
but my personal opinion is,
he's weird and that makes me worry.

poor him doesn't he know?
people are laughing at him,
and he doesn't think so. 

By Judit Duran Calzada