Headline news

The Kooky Erasers

Wednesday 2 nd February 2011

‘’Mom! If we don’t hurry up, everyone will get there first and take all the Kooky Erasers!’’ Kayla yelled up the stairs.
‘’And?’’ Her mother said, clopping down the stairs in her high-heels.
‘’Everyone has them at school, and if I don’t, then I’ll be left out!’’ Kayla replied, opening the door. Suddenly her mother’s face turned serious.
‘’Oh, honey. If people are teasing you at school, you have to tell me.’’ She said, sweeping over and placing her hands on Kayla’s shoulders. Kayla squirmed. She hated when her mother got like this.
‘No-one is teasing me. I just know it’ll happen if we don’t go!’’ Kayla said. Her mother’s hands slid downwards and zipped up Kayla’s coat. Kayla ran out the door, while her mother searched for the keys. There was a jangle as her carefully painted nails brushed over them. She dug deeper, and produced them with a flourish. As soon as the beep of the car un-locking sounded, Kayla was in the car, buckling her seat belt, urging her mother to move faster.
The car ride there seemed to take hours for Kayla, when it was 15 minutes to the shopping center.
At the parking lot, the car had barley stopped before Kayla hopped out. She and her mother walked through the sliding doors into the warm air.
A smell of coffee and pizza floated in the air. Boxes were being hauled into shops. Kayla ran over to the 3rd escalator, going downwards. Her friend Casey had told her the directions. She went over them in her head.
3rd escalator down, 4 shops to the left and 2 shops up.
As she and her mother stepped off the escalator, Kayla was immediately worried. There was a long line stretching all the way there. She peered at the front of it, and sighed with relief. There was some rock legend signing CD’s in the rock store. She directed her mother 4 shops to the left, then 2 shops up, and the stationary store lay in front of them. Signs were on the door and window, presenting their Kooky Erasers stock. She ran into the store and scooped up a handful from the open barrels. She had a vanity set, a sports set, a smiley face set and a dog complete with a bone, a collar and a bowl. They were surprisingly cheap, 0.50 each, and she happily handed over her 2.00.
The next morning, as Kayla walked to her class, she wished she hadn’t asked her mother to take her to the store. Everyone probably had really cool Kooky Erasers, and would all laugh when she brought out her sets. In the class, the teacher was not there, so the children were talking loudly. Some looked worried, not taking out their pencil cases and chatting nervously.
Kayla went to her seat, brought out her pencil case and her Kooky Eraser sets.
Everyone looked at her.
‘Lucky!’ Some-one said. They all rushed over. Apparently all the parents of the children had not taken them to the store to buy Kooky Erasers. Kayla was the only one. Even Casey had forgotten to buy them. For that day, Kayla was the most popular girl in the class.