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Maria and the bears

Sunday 30 th January 2011

maria and the bears

I used to live in Barcelona, in the stinkiest apartment you could get. You could hear all sorts of noises there. It was a really polluted place. I hated it. Why couldn’t they do something about it? In the apartment we used to live we were supposed to recycle. The man who was supposed to do the recycling, was extremely lazy. So he didn’t do it. He just pretended to do it. He was also in charge of the doors and helping people to get in. The thing is, he didn’t. He just sat in a fancy expensive sofa drinking some weird drink with 5 sexy girls around him. Sometimes he isn’t even there. Sometimes he’s in the jacuzzi with 5 different sexy girls. After all that he get’s paid all the same. He gets about 1,000 euros per week. Introduction usually means “present yourself” but I am not going to tell you much because I’m running out of Paper. My name is Cuca and I am ten years old now. I’m a girl and I have long blond hair. I come from spain and catalan is my native language. My favorite colors are pink and green because they are “naturful”. I like mountains and I love hiking as well as exploring. I love animals and I’m vegetarian It’s kind of weird for me to tell you and I hope I’m not hurting anyones feelings, here but I hate selfish people.

And the story I am going to tell you know happened to me about four years ago.

Chapter 1

It was a saturday morning and I was really tired. Next week would be my birthday. I was so excited and I wondered which presents I would get. The only one I knew about was my mother’s present. I was going to Austria. It was something we had decided.

“Cuca,” Mum exclaimed, “What would you like for your birthday?” I wasn’t really expecting this type of question.
“What do I want? A toy? A doll? A book? Hmm.....” I asked myself.
“Mum, I ‘ve told you more than twice! I want Peace to this stupid dirty old polluted world!” I answered instead.
“ Honey, you know that isn’t possible. It would take lot’s of work. I don’t know how to explain this to you, you are too young to understand,” She explained.
“Why is that not possible” I asked myself, “I am old enough to understand!”
“Then, I don’t know what I want,” I told her.
“Hmm,” thought mum, “what about a trip to Austria? Your cousins live there and it would be really fun to go away on a trip so you can rest from all the stress in Barcelona.”
“A trip to where?” I asked.
“To Austria ,” Mum explained, “I’m sure you’ll like it there.”

The thing is, I didn’t know that this “trip” was going to change my life forever.

Chapter 2

How do you think I was supposed to go to Austria? By Plane. I was scared of planes and now even more. If I ‘d ever go in a plane again I would surely get a heart attack. I was really frightened about all the dangers of a plane. I was so frightened that it would happen, that I spent the first thirty minutes memorizing the security sheet. It might seem funny, but look; you are bored, and scared; You need entertainment. So this sheet was helping me to be less scared and less bored. Five minutes later I fell asleep and I dreamt that the plane had an accident. Just then I woke up by a yell. The plane was really having an accident! The plane started falling and suddenly it caught fire. This time everyone joined the yell. The security sheet! Instruction number 1: if plane falls on water get lifesaving jackets and jump of plane. Suddenly it landed on water. I put my lifesaving jacket, And I was about to jump off when.....

I woke up and I was some weird kind of bed.
“Where am I?” I yelled. “What happened? I’m on fire!! Help!”I was going crazy. My mum threw a bucket of water on me, and somehow, I fell asleep.

This time I woke up in a hospital with tubes around me. I started yelling again, “Oh my gosh! I’m drowning! Help!” This time nothing went black. It went pink. Pink with ten purple elephants around me.They were saying:
“She’s got plane-phobia.”
“She got so freaked out that she fainted”
“She won’t be able to go on a plane again”
“She will have to stay here for the next week just incase she doesn’t do anything else crazy”

Chapter 3

Once I got out of the hospital, I was sick for 5 more days. Nice present wasn’t it? I think it was because I got a second effect on one of the pills.

Anyways, I discovered I was stuck in Bern. Why? Well, I couldn’t go anywhere else because I couldn’t take the plane. My mum told me that bern is a cool place. If she said so, it was so. So, my mum bought a flat for us two. What about my dad? Don’t mention it. They got divorced. Now, he has a girlfriend, I hate her so much!

The first thing I visited was the bear pit. It was really famous. So I went there.

In the bear pit you could see a stone made house, there were some scars printed on it, and you could guess it was the bears’. On the floor you could see some footsteps, they were so big you could guess it were the bears’’ too. Next to the footprints there was a small pond which was supposed to be the bears’ swimming pool. Next to that there was a stream which the bears drank from. Then the were some holes recently dug facing a wall with two doors leading to the bear’s hiding place, underground.

Next to me I saw a girl with long brown hair. She looked about my age. She stared at me and then said:
“Hi,” she looked down shyly, “Um,would you mind me guiding you around a bit today?”

She guided me around explaining the history of everything we passed through. She was really intelligent. “Would you like to visit the inside of the bears pit?” she asked.
“Sure!” I answered. She led me through a path that looked really secretly hidden.
“Why is this so... So hidden and secret?” I asked.
“It’s time I’d tell you,” she explained, “I am Maria and I’m a friend of the bears. You are Cuca and you are going to save them. Grandmamma will tell you more.”
“What is she taking about” I asked myself “How does she know my name?”

As soon as we entered the room she presented this “grandmamma” person. She was the oldest bear in earth and she is the only animal that speaks the human language.
“The nature needs you ,Cuca! The nature has called you but you haven’t heard it. That is why it brought you here,” she explained. How did she know my name? And what was she talking about?
“The plane crash has brought me here,” I corrected grandmamma.
“Yes, but the Nature caused the plane crash so that you would end up here. It was the only way,”she explained, “It brought you here so that you could save it.”
“She has the power of nature and she will not die until anyone kills her. And if anyone kills her, Nature will die. This an emergency! The people are up to something! And we need to find out soon, or else Nature will die. Cuca, you are our only hope!” Maria explained.
“What am I supposed to do?”I asked.
“Find out what they’re up to,” Maria answered. And when she said “they’re” She meant the owners of this pit.
“Wait, there’s one more thing...” Maria told me
“Chenka! Pahratilumbanightatus!”Grandma shouted in bear language. Suddently a bear cub appeared out of the door. It was cute. Her name was Chenka.
“Frohtimbula canchenko! Canchenko deht Lula! Potabinadiht fuhtatenctumbala likuadescope. Wih engra tap in dar tumbha! Txa ihn emro rap! Gha!” Grandmamma shouted again. Then 2 other bears came. One was “Frohtimbula” and the other was “Lula”. Chenka went out and came back in. She was holding a necklace with an emerald on it.
“This necklace brought you from nature and it will protect you as well as helping you,” She told me while giving me the necklace.

Chapter 4

I entered the touristic office and guess who was there?
My mum. I had no time for her.
“Hi sweetie,” she said, “You having fun?” I nodded.
“Remember that you have to be at home by eight!”she reminded me.
“I’ll be there on time, don’t worry,” I groaned not sure if I was going to be.
“ Just make sure!!” she reminded me again.
“I’ll be fine!” I grumbled while she left.
“Finally!” I thought.
The secretary in the office only spoke swiss-german so I had to talk directly to the man in charge which spoke to me in English. I didn’t speak much english those days but I had to manage with it.
“Do you know where I can find the owners of the bears’ pit?” I asked.
“Next to it,” he grumbled in a bad mood.
“Thank you for the advice!” I said sarcastically while I slammed the door shut behind me.

Then I saw a chalet named “Bärngrube” with a picture of a bear next to that. I guessed that was the chalet the grumpy man was talking about. On it, there was a sign and it said “Only open on tuesdays and sundays” Why? But there was no time for that. I needed to get going. But it was closed! What was I supposed to do? Then my emerald necklace started to tingle and it whispered“use me”. Right.
“Emerald, Emerald show me what to do,”I told it not sure if it would work. Suddenly it shone and whispered, “Say ablingsfar!” I did as I was told and the emerald showed a picture of a few men in a meeting. Very strangely they were speaking english.
“I’m tired of this. We are not getting enough money,” the man which seemed the owner grumbled.
“You’re rich, and have everything you want so stop arguing!” Another man said.
“My plan is to build a factory right on this stupid pit. The bears, they shall be put inside and be fed preproctilisma, which is a pill that will make them pregnant everyday. So then, we will have so many bears I’ll be rich!” the owner cried.
“Will it be good for their health” another man asked.
“Why should I care?” The owner scowled, “ And the oldest ones which will never be pregnant again we shall kill them to be richer!”
“Like that old bear that never dies?” A man spotted out.
“Exactly!”The owner shouted while the picture in the emerald faded away.
Oh-no! I had to tell Maria.

Chapter 5

I ran to Maria’s house. I knew where it was because she showed me it while she was being my “touristic guide”.
“Ring, Ring!” went the doorbell.
A lady came out.
“ Hallo, warum bist du hier?” she asked, “Was brauchen Sie?”
“I don’t understand,” I told her.
“Sprechen Sie Deutsch?” she asked, “Englisch? Italienisch? Spanisch?”
“I’m spanish,” I told her.
“ Maria, Kom her!” She shouted, “Es ist ein Gast, die spanisch sprechen und ich verstehe das nicht!”
Soon Maria came out.
“Oh, it’s only you. Do you have any important news?” She asked. I nodded. “Come into my room and we’ll discuss it.” Her room was was really nice and neat. There were lot’s of pictures with her and the bears.
I told Maria everything, and soon my emerald started to glow again. Maria came around to see. The emerald showed a picture of all the bears imprisoned in a cage.
“Oh-No!” she cried. “We must do something about this!”

“Maria!” shouted her mum, “Kom her!”
“I’ll be right back,” Maria said while she walked by the corridor. When she came back she looked really worried.
“Oh, Shoot! I didn’t think of that!” she shouted. “The onion festival is on sunday.”
Just then my emerald shone again. This time it showed a text. Printed on it, it said, “Use me! Read the book that will appear in front of you!”
So we read the title of book in front of us, “Natural spells”
That must be useful.
“Let’s look for a finding spell first,” I recommended.
“There it is! Let’s read it!” Maria exclaimed.

“In order to use the finding spell you need an object related to what you want to find. Then you read the words and hold the object up high while reciting.”

“May I borrow one of your pictures?” I asked her in order to use it as the object for the finding spell.
“Letatumbatchimbalactimbalatendivationda!”I recited holding up the picture. On my emerald the exact place where the bears’ were, was printed.
“It’s in a boat going to...-”she hesitated.
“China!” I interrupted. We both looked confused. “So they’ve changed their minds!”
“There is no time to waste let’s go!” Maria exclaimed.
“Wait, The spells!”I shouted.
“Come on!”she shouted.
“I’m sorry mum, you’ll have to worry, there is no time for this now.” I thought wishing mum could hear me.
“Where are we supposed to go?” I asked her.
“Use the Rock!” she shouted.
I used the Rock.


“Let’s take the train, quick!” she shouted.
“Got some money?”I asked.
“Plenty!”she answered.

We took the train to germany; it took quite a while. As soon as we got off we read the transportation spell.

“Read the spell and say the place you want to go to. Tip: If destination is far away take a few trips.” that’s what it said.

I don’t remember exactly what happened while we were going country to another. We also sent letters to are parents explaining where we were. It took about a month to get to Hong-Kong. Once we were at the foot of the factory we decided to sleep the men with a spell and then explain their crime to the police. And we did and it was really easy because we poisoned them with the truth-spell so that they would say the truth to the police. All the bears went back to their pit and all of these men which were working on this plan were going to jail for 10 years and the owner forever. From now on there was no owner to the bear pit.

Chapter 6

“Cuca!” Mum exclaimed while I entered my house,” You’re back. I’m so proud of you. But next time you tell me, okay?” I hugged her.
“I got you a school,” she explained, “and its close to the bear pit!” I hugged her again.

Everything went really well and me and Maria were in the newspaper. I went to Maria’s school and it was fun. Everything was fine.