Headline news

Tuesday 15 th March 2011
Right now I am sad,
A teardrop falls from my eye,
a big splash I hear.

Saturday 12 th March 2011
Goodbye, see you later, hope to see you again...
I have no words to describe this moment,
no words that are sad enough
I can hear you walking away, will you come back?
You don't answer me..
please, please, just say something
You don't say anything, a tear rolls down your face...
then finally you say..........


Saturday 5 th February 2011
Dedicated to the ZOA orphanage and all the children working out there.

In the deep,dark night,
Children cry,
All across the world,
Children die.
Even in bright daylight,
They try,
To break free,
Of the chains,
Pining pains,
Storms and rains.
The storm of child labour,
Causes cries in the night,
Children fight,
Some no older then ten.
Some live in no more than a den.
To save them,will anybody try?
These thoughts,they make me cry.
But with nowhere to hide,
And with nowhere to run,
No place for games,
No place for fun,
Their only security is in their minds,
Thinking of ways to break free of the binds.
Will anybody release them?
It's hard to say.
But I bet you no child will be rescued today.
Charities and donations,they can aid,
But can they clean up the mess that's been made?

Tuesday 7 th September 2010
Why?Why me?
Why me in this universe?
Why me in this world?
Why me in this continent?
Why me in this country?
Why me in this town?
Why me in this village?
Why me in this street?
Why me in this school?
Why me in this building?
Why me in this corridor?
Why me in this classroom?
We me in this desk?
Why me in this chair?

Why am sitting here in this Maths lesson?I think back,I want to be in the past.Then I would force myself to like Maths when i was young,so i wouldn't be hating it now.
I'm jus asking,don't get mad.

Wednesday 11 th August 2010

Sadness is the bad word,
that replaces happiness,
sadness is the baddest feeling,
sadness gives you tears,
sometimes you think the world is full of sadness,

Sadness makes you cry,
so, sadness makes people think you're a baby,
Sadness makes you sigh,
right now sadness is what I feel.

By Judit Duran Calzada

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