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Tuesday 8 th March 2011

When I met a poem,
the first one I'd met,
I thought it was really boring,
something that I did admit.

 It had no rythm, 
it had no Rhyme,
it had no title,
it was a crime.

When I told the police,
What the heck did he say?
"Peace, don't call the police,
for a crime that is just a waste of time!"
"May you explain?" 
"I was talking to a man on a train to spain,
So, what is wrong with your brain?"
"I have no problem with my brain,
I am just trying to explain,
that there is a poem commiting a crime,
And this is NOT a waste of time."
"Yes this is a waste of time, 
because this crime is just a mime,
and that a poem that doesn't rhyme,
isn't a crime."

And than I freaked out,
and I really doubt,
a poem would start such a thing,
like a woman falling over a ring,
forgetting her left wing,
in the middle of spring.

When I met a poem,
the second one I'd met,
I found out very easily,
that a poem doesn't have to Rhyme.

(The second one was the police if you didn't know)

Monday 18 th October 2010

I've always wanted to have a Diary,
But it never turns out well,
So why can't we turn a Diary to a 'poem' Diary?

Because my poems explain my feelings,
But just in a different way,
It's like if you draw a picture,
But instead you change it to clay.

Wednesday 4 th August 2010

I want to write a poem,
but what to write?
I'm running out of ideas,
and who has the fault?
my mind.

By Judit Duran Calzada

Thursday 29 th July 2010

Something, something,
everything is something,
even if you do a poem about nothing.

Like my friend luon,
she described in her poem,
how it is impossible to do one.

just write anything that comes out of your head,
write random words down,
and if it gets to hard just go to bed.

the next day you try again,
and describe the apple,
as if it turned pink on a thursday.

So whatever you do,
even if it is nothing,
it is something,
something that came out of your head.

By Judit Duran Calzada

Thursday 29 th July 2010

I want to write a poem,
but I don't know what to write,
then my friend told me:
do a poem about an object.

 But then I think :
what can it be?
Maybe my pencil sharpener
which has the shape of a bee!

No, but this object is too stupid and bad,
I don't think this is a good one,
even the small kids will think I'm mad.

But then I think :
what can it be?
Maybe my pencil,
which I stuck down my mum's favorite recipe!

No, but this object is too dumb,
it looks like in the recipe,
I have stuck a crumb.

But then I think:
what can it be?
maybe a plant,
what about an oak tree?

No, but this object is too weird,
it isn't even an object,
it's a trunk with a beard!!!!

But then I think :
what can it be?
maybe a photo,
of a refugee!

No, but this object is too plain,
I could even make out of it,
a paper airoplane!

 But then I think :
what can it be?
I am tired of looking
ideas up in the dictionary!

Then my other friend said :
why isn't your project,
called an object!

Then I shout:
yes that's it!
And I finally wrote on the top of the page,
the title,

By Judit Duran Calzada

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