Headline news

German fruits and vegetables

Friday 18 th February 2011

 I once had a "Kartoffel",
It fell down the stairs,
Oh my poor "Kartoffel",
Who even dares,
to snactch the "Tomate", 
and strike the "Banane"!

The only problem was that my dear fragile "Salate",
got split in half,
by that daring "Apfel",
Singing "My dead Calf"

The daring "Apfel",
was "Tomate's" best friend,
but "Banane" didn't like him,
And we had a slightly kill.

My poor "Kartoffel",
fell down the stairs,
My "Tomate" and "Banane",
got snatched and killed,
My dear "Salate",
got split in half,
My  daring "Apfel",
was the only alive.

(Check the german dictionary if you are having problems understanding the name of the fruits and vegetables)