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How I made my own Haikufeel T-shirt

Saturday 2 nd February 2013

It had been a while since I had wanted to make my own t-shirt with the haikufeel logo, and I was so lucky to get the material to make one for christmas ! The steps were easy but to explain how to do it, I would have to explain the material you need, and you can always go to another website for that. 

  • First, I printed the haikufeel logo in black and white and put my frame over it
  • Then I traced over the logo with some special paint
how to make a personalised Tshirt
  • I dried it with a blow drier and waited for 10 minutes
how to make a personalised Tshirt
  • Then I spread some special red paint over the other side.
how to make a personalised Tshirt
  • I cleaned my frame so that only the red paint would stay, leaving blank spaces where I wanted the logo to be 
  • I waited for it to dry (I did it in the evening, so I waited until the following morning)
  • I tried printing the logo twice on a piece of paper to make sure it worked
how to make a personalised Tshirt
  • Just in case, I tried again on a piece of scrap cloth
  • Then I did the real thing on my shirt 
  • And it ended up looking like this !!!