Headline news

Cries in the night

Saturday 5 th February 2011

Dedicated to the ZOA orphanage and all the children working out there.

In the deep,dark night,
Children cry,
All across the world,
Children die.
Even in bright daylight,
They try,
To break free,
Of the chains,
Pining pains,
Storms and rains.
The storm of child labour,
Causes cries in the night,
Children fight,
Some no older then ten.
Some live in no more than a den.
To save them,will anybody try?
These thoughts,they make me cry.
But with nowhere to hide,
And with nowhere to run,
No place for games,
No place for fun,
Their only security is in their minds,
Thinking of ways to break free of the binds.
Will anybody release them?
It's hard to say.
But I bet you no child will be rescued today.
Charities and donations,they can aid,
But can they clean up the mess that's been made?